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Best local sites for green living: BC Hydro, tie for silver in Georgia Straight readers' picks

There are a lot of smiles here at Social Signal's sprawling corporate headquarters. Two of our clients, BC Hydro and the Vancouver sustainability hub, just tied for second place in the Georgia Straight's annual "Best of Vancouver" awards.

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Take note of Evernote (especially if you're an iPhone user)

Since upgrading to a 3G iPhone, I've gone on periodic app binges in which I download every app that looks remotely interesting and take it for a whirl. So far, the best discover I've made is a free app called Evernote -- and it's changed my computer use even more dramatically than it's affected the way I use my iPhone.

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Social media and the 2008 Canadian federal election: still a long way to go

The Canadian national election campaign is just under a week old, with five more weeks to go.

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Vancity is on a social media tear!

Vancity launches public wiki on microfinance

Just a quick note about our friends at Vancity: this summer, they launched a new wiki about microfinance. It's a terrific resource on the subject, and if you've been looking for a solid introduction to it - or if you have some expertise to contribute - be sure to drop by.

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A big Digg for Noise to Signal

Regular readers will recall how excited I am that Noise to Signal is now running at ReadWriteWeb (a great source for news and insight about the business and technology of social media) and that RWW is now ranked number 9 in the whole freakin' blogospheriverse.

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Turned off by bad news? Try our special Olympic-friendly Internet!

OneWebDay makes issue of Net Neutrality front and center

I'm delighted to be writing this post as a OneWebDay ambassador. OneWebDay, which takes place on September 22, is a global day to celebrate the Internet, and the values that make the Internet such an essential part of our society. This year OneWebDay is paying particular tribute to the Internet's role in supporting democratic participation -- a role that is made possible by the Internet's character as an open, global and participatory medium.

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Halfway to hex

Anniversary gifts for geeks


Last year I marked our anniversary by blogging this list of geek anniversary gifts. As of today, we're at year 9!

Today marks the eighth anniversary of our other founding partnership: our marriage. July 29th, 2000 was the Big Day not only for the two of us, but also for Brad Pitt and Jennifer Aniston.

We know that popular opinion lays the blame for the Brad-Jen breakup at the feet of a certain Ms. Jolie, but we recognize a completely different kind of relationship pressure. With all the press coverage of their marriage, did you ever see them pictured with matching his 'n hers PowerBooks?

We don't want our own marriage to fall victim to the specter of insufficient technology. And yet the traditional roster of anniversary gifts is still geared towards the analog lifestyle.

To celebrate our half-hex anniversary, we're proud to present a new, geek-friendly set of recommended anniversary gifts. Do note that the recommended 8th anniversary gift is a nice, fresh web link...hint, hint.

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Online collaboration for your right brain, part 2: MindMeister at Social Signal

Click here to read part 1, an introduction to digital mind mapping.

MindMeister works a lot like MindManager, with the features I've come to see as essential for a good mind-mapping experience:

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Online collaboration for your right brain, part 1: an introduction to digital mind mapping

Most online collaboration tools engage your left brain: that part of you that likes structure and organization, and supports linear, sequential thinking. Think of Basecamp, with its careful system of tasks and milestones. Or Google spreadsheets (I have dozens of them!) organizing everything from budgets to menus in neat, orderly rows and columns. Even wikis seem to work most effectively when they are gardened into a coherent structure, with some kind of intentional hierarchy of information.

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Election regulators and social media - oil, meet water.

Exploring the Legal Implications of Social Media in the Election Process

The CBC reports that Quebec's chief electoral officer is studying new rules on "cybercampaigning":

As the internet plays an increasingly important role in political campaigns and elections, rules and laws need to evolve in order to keep the playing field level, said Quebec elections director Marcel Blanchet.

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Get more out of Evernote with Alexandra Samuel's great new ebook, the first in the Harvard Business Press Work Smarter with Social Media series!

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