How can Twitter fuel our marketing and growth?

Twitter is the hottest social network of 2009. At first glance, it's a very limited platform: you make a list of people you want to follow (think of these as your buddies or friends), and post updates of no more than 140 characters to let your followers know what you're doing or thinking about. You can also use Twitter to send direct, private messages to people who are following you (a lot like a chat or SMS message), and you can choose who gets to see your updates....and that's about the extent of Twitter's core features.

But Twitter's simplicity belies its extraordinary power and flexibility. Thanks in part to an API that encourages other applications to plug into Twitter, you can use Twitter to:

  • automatically announce your latest blog posts
  • create a mini-blog on any topic
  • share photos or videos on the fly
  • keep in touch with family and friends
  • post to applications like time trackers or project management tools
  • track what people are saying about you or your brand
  • fuel peer-to-peer promotion of your brand or product
  • run a backchannel conversation during a conference or event
  • post updates to Facebook and other social networks
  • run contests and promotions
  • find colleagues with common interests

With so many ways of using Twitter, your most critical decision is how you want to make Twitter work for you and your organization. Start with a clear goal, and err on the side of caution; you may want to create a personal (and pseudonymous) account to play with so you can get used to Twitter's pace and culture, before you put Twitter to work at work. When you are ready to put Twitter to professional use, take a focused approach to your Tweets that supports your goals and provides people with a reason to talk about your products or brand.

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14 tips for Twitter contests that build followers and brand visibility

How can $200 get 1500 customers to promote your brand in one day? Learn from the Twitter contest that threadless launched today, and tweet our tips for your chance to win a Flip MinoHD Camcorder, pre-loaded with Rob's Teh Funny keynote at Northern Voice -- in which Rob became the first standup to heckle himself on Twitter.

17 tips for using Twitter to grow your business

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3 great options for Twitter and delicious integration

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3 steps to jumpstart your corporate Twitter account by moving friends and followers from other accounts

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5 reasons to send Direct Messages on Twitter

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Change status: Facebooking and Twittering for a new world

Would you be a more effective agent for social, economic or political change if you could see the progress we're all making as a movement?

Ep. 19: the all-a-twitter episode

Is 140 characters a painful constraint, or a creatively inspiring focus? Our bedtime conversation digs into the questions of how Twitter fuels creativity, what makes something Twitter-worthy, and how Twitter . We test Rob's predictive powers, and Alex discovers how freaky Rob really is about his Twitter updates. And you discover how tough it is for us to remember the difference between 160 characters and 140.

In praise of uncertainty (I think)

Proclamations made with absolute certainty about social media are easy to find online. But the key ingredient of social media is people: diverse, divergent, idiosyncratic people. And there are likely to be differences large and small between how a tool works for me and how it works for you.

Pew: One in 10 online Americans using Twitter or something like it

The Pew Internet and American Life Project has released a study saying one in 10 online Americans is using Twitter or a similar service, and that usage is highest among younger people who are already using other forms of social media.

Rob's Northern Voice keynote

Here's a snapshot of how Twitter can make a conference backchannel come alive -- or extend the reach of a key presentation. Rob's Northern Voice Teh Funny keynote had them LOLing in the aisles...and on Twitter. If the tweets don't make you laugh, you can always drive a 6" stake through your hand.

Status update: Twittering your way to effective (and expressive) communication

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Twitter monitoring to strengthen your team

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Swapna Raghu Sanand says

September 12, 2011 - 1:21am

Can you give an example of how to create, implement and manage a mini-blog on a topic to engage more effectively on Twitter? Suggestions would be a great help too.

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