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TwitterMarks3 great options for Twitter and delicious integration
- 8 April, 2009

With the increasing attention I've been giving our Social Signal Twitter account, I've found myself in a bit of dilemma. Tweeting web links is one of the simplest and most effective ways to offer regular, useful info of value to your followers. But the links that would be most useful to SoSi followers are the very links I need to keep track of myself -- for which I rely on delicious.
In principle, there are lots of ways I could integrate the two services. But I have several criteria:
- My links need to be posted to Twitter with a shortened URL (like a bit.ly URL) so the link itself doesn't use up all 140 characters Twitter lets me tweet. (This in spite of delicious founder Josh Schacter's well-articulated concerns about URL shorteners.)
- My links need to be posted to delicious with the full URL, not just the shortened version.
- My links need to be posted to delicious with appropriate tags at the time I post the URL, rather than lying in wait for me to visit delicious and add tags at a later date.
- I want to control what gets tweeted, and not just have it twitter that I bookmarked a URL.
I've found several good options. There are pros and cons to each:
delicious tag + TwitterFeed
TwitterFeed is a service that will read an RSS feed and automatically post each item to Twitter; you can use it to parse the outbound RSS feed for a particular tag and a particular user. When I find a link I want to tweet, I post it to delicious. Then I add the tag "tweetthis" on top of any other tags I'm using. I've set up TwitterFeed to parse the RSS feed for every bookmark I tag with "tweetthis"
- I get to use my usual approach for posting items to delicious -- whether from Firefox, Safari or iPhone -- and assign the tags I want to use.
- TwitterFeed lets me choose my preferred URL shortener (bit.ly) from a long list of options.
- Can post links from my delicious account, Rob's, or anyone else's.
- Great if you're a religious delicious-er like me, and want to twitter more (for virtually no more effort!)
- I have to keep an eye on my description field in delicious and watch the total number of characters so Twitter doesn't cut off my description when it pulls in the link.
- Need to aggregate both "tweetthis" and "tweethis" to deal wth my frequent typos.
Firestatus is a FireFox add-on that lets me post something to Twitter and delicious simultaneously. It puts a little icon in the bar at the bottom of my FF window. Clicking on the icon brings up a slender bar with a text entry field for my Twitter status line, and a second entry field for the tags I want to use in storing the item in delicious.
- A very lightweight, elegant interface with bonus options like a built-in spell checker and the option of also posting to Facebook (my tweets already cross-post to Facebook, but for some folks that would be useful).
- I get to choose my tags.
- Control over how often it updates to each site.
- Great if want some of your tweeted links cross-posted to delicious, but not all of them.
- I have to use Firefox for anything I want to bookmark.
- Need to decide that I want to post to both Twitter and delicious at time of creation.
- Teensy weensy icon in the bottom bar is SO discreet it's a bit hard to spot.
Tweecious is a Firefox add-on that parses my Twitter feed and looks for tweets that include a link. When it finds a tweet that included a link, it adds that link to my delicious bookmarks, and uses my tweet as the description field. Then it uses Zemanta -- another of my new favourite toys -- to choose tags for the bookmark.
- Includes the URL of the original tweet in the delicious description field, so you remember you've already twittered it!
- Offers option to parse your last 1000 tweets -- so any links you've already tweeted will get added to delicious.
- While it installs as part of Firefox, it will parse Tweets that come from anywhere, so I can use my usual combo of Tweetdeck-Tweetie-HootSuite.
- Stores the full-length URL on delicious by using LongURL to unpack the URL generated by whichever shortener I've used. Access to Tweecious preferences appears when you visit delicious -- smart and seamless.
- Smart enough to figure out all my account ids on its own, but doesn't store passwords itself.
- Extreme coolness -- not to mention efficiency -- of automatically tagging links.
- Easy to see bookmarks added this way in delicious because they are all tagged tweecious.
- No immediate, direct control over the tags that get assigned to a bookmark.
- Limited to a single account -- so I have to decide whether to tweecious my personal @awsamuel twitter account or tweecious our @socialsignal company account. (It's possible I could work around this by setting up an @socialsignal(twitter)-to-awsamuel(delicious) instance of tweetie on Firefox running on another computer.)
- Delicious will consider the date of bookmark creation to be the date on which it was imported by tweecious; would be great if it assigned date based on date of your tweet.
- If you're not a Zemanta user, your delicious bookmarks will only be tagged "tweecious".
Potential cluttering of my delicious account with links I'm twittering links but don't particularly want to bookmark (for example, all the Social Signal blog posts we twitter on release -- then again, that could be a pro, since it's probably great for our visibility & SEO).
The verdict
I'm just getting going with these three approaches, so time will tell. But for now, I see them as complementary:
- If I'm adding a bookmark in delicious, and it suddenly occurs to me that I'd also like to tweet it, I'll just add the tweetthis tag. If I'm revisiting a bookmark, and it now seems Twitter-worthy, I'll add the tweetthis tag then.
- If I'm about to Twitter a link while in FireFox, and I know I want to store it on delicious in a way that will ensure I can find it when I want to (i.e. I want to ensure it has particular tags attached) I'll use FireStatus.
- If I Twitter a link without thinking about delicious, it will end up in delicious anyhow thanks to Tweecious.
What does this mean for you? Well, you can use some or all of these same tools to boost your tweeting with high-value links -- or to ensure all the links you're already twittering now are readily retrievable on delicious.
Or you can just let us find all your key links for you. With these three tools at our disposal, Social Signal's tweets and delicious links will be more useful than ever.

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Twitter Today: April 9, 2009 | kenneth lim . net says
[...] Great options for Twitter and Del.icio.us integration (Via: @stejules) [...]
Marko Mrdjenovic says
Thanks for the review of Tweecious, I hope you find it useful. Just a little correction - you don't need to be a Zemanta user in order to use Zemanta tags in Tweecious as we use our own access to the Zemanta API.
I also checked into the date issue with delicious and it doesn't seem to support changing the post date of bookmarks, unfortunately.
Christine Egger says
Great article! Thanks for all this info and especially for the pros and cons break-out.
links for 2009-04-11 « Balau says
[...] 3 great options for Twitter and delicious integration | Social Signal (tags: twitter del.icio.us d2tw) [...]
Noah Flower says
Thanks so much for spelling it all out! This is precisely the information I was looking for.
Miguel Miranda de Mattos says
Thanks for this post!
As a frequent user of delicious and now twitterer as well I found your post provides a great review on the possible integrations between both tools.
BTW. SocialSignal has a sleek smart design and is very pleasant to read. Have you thought about adding openid or google friends connectivity?
Kind Regards,
Kristina Schneider (technogenii) 's status on Monday, 0 says
[...] http://www.socialsignal.com/blog/alexandra-samuel/3-great-options-twitter-and-delicious-integration... a few seconds ago from firestatus [...]
@rinnis says
Have to say Thank You! This is so very cool.
Jorge Vargas says
tweecious looks awesome. Thanks!
simonbaptist says
Hi there, couple of comments/questions?
It's almost a yr later - you still using all three or have another toolset you can recommend?
Also any tips on the following use case. I want to send to auto-post to Twitter (and for that matter an email to myself in Gmail and a post onto Posterous) of my last 25 bookmarks.
Any thoughts?
semifor says
For another option, check out http://packrati.us - it follows your twitter feed and automatically post URLs you tweet to your delicious acount.
Gunter says
I was recently looking for a feature to do this and read this excellent post. I tried twitterfeed, which works fine but I found that Deliciious was slow in updating it's RSS feed. In the settings of Delicious I saw a link to Twitter. It's now possible to send to Twitter by using @twitter in the send dialog. You can also mail it from there.
Wise Step says
Great tip and good explanation done here on integration and the pros n cons
miguev says
Thanks for the review, I'd add an important Pro to TwitterFeed: it does not depend on any particular browser. I don't use Firefox anymore (Chrome is much faster and lighter on my slow machines) so TwitterFeed is the only option (in your review) for me. Turns out it works great :)
Ju52 says
Is there a way to stop Delicious sending Links to Twitter (which I am not using anymore)? I do not want to delete every time the automatic twitter entry in the Link save dialogue. thanks for help.