Alexandra Samuel's blog

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Work Smarter with LinkedIn: Alex's newest HBR e-book

Work Smarter with Social Media three titles (taller)

A LinkedIn profile is more important than résumé, more useful than a business card and more permanent than an email address. As essential as LinkedIn is to today’s professionals, many people still struggle with the question of how to use it or what makes it useful. That’s why I’m delighted that today marks the publication of the latest book in my Work Smarter with Social Media series for Harvard Business Review Press: Work Smarter with LinkedIn.

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15 best practices for managing your first (or subsequent) web development project

Back in the day, the only real way to have an online conversation was to build your own blog or online community. These days, many people, companies and organizations have their first taste of online conversation and social media through pre-established social networks like Twitter, Facebook or YouTube.

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Is online activism effective? 5 ways to ask (and answer) the question

Can social media catalyze or support political change? To answer that question, you have to understand who is asking, and what they really want to know.

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Crowsourcing a courseware solution

Platform requirements for delivering an online course to 4,000 businesses

What's the best way to deliver online training to individuals and small businesses?

At Social Signal, we've explored a number of options over the years. Now we're developing content for an online course that launches in January 2012, and the team we working with needs your help in identifying the best courseware solutions or courseware developers/integrators.

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How to write a blog post in 10 minutes


Part of a series. Original version at

In my recent blog post about how to sustain your social media presence in just 3 hours a week, I advise drafting 3 blog posts in under one hour. That may sound unimaginable if (like me) you've fallen into the habit of turning each blog post you write into a mini-manual or philosophical essay.

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How to sustain a social media presence in three hours a week

Part of a series. Original version at

When it rains on a weekend, I don't bemoan my decision to live in the Pacific Northwest: I just know it's time to queue up my blog posts and tweets for the week. That's what I try to do in about two hours every weekend, and since folks often ask me how they can keep their social media presence alive in an efficient and sustainable way, I figure I'm long overdue to blog my system.

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5 steps to create your social media toolkit

Part of a series. Original version at

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The 5 requirements for a starter social media presence

Part of a series. Original version at

I often talk to people who wonder how they can get started in social media. The typical requirements are:

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The small organization’s guide to investing in social media

Part 6 (and conclusion) of a series. Originally posted on

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How a small organization can build a content-driven social media presence

Part 5 in a series. Originally appeared on

Organizations with a limited audience (fewer than 100,000 people) or limited budget (less than $100k) face equally limited possibilities for eliciting user-generated content.  One strategy for developing an effective social media presence within these limitations is to create a site driven by RSS aggregation.

Another option is focus on developing your own content on a regular (ideally daily) basis; for a small membership organization, 2-3 posts per week is entirely reasonable.

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Work Smarter with Evernote

Get more out of Evernote with Alexandra Samuel's great new ebook, the first in the Harvard Business Press Work Smarter with Social Media series!

Available on Amazon, iTunes and HBR.

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