Social Speech

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Introducing the Leadership Communications podcast

"Leadership Communications with Rob Cottingham" podcast

This year marks three decades of working in leadership communications. And to celebrate, I'm launching a new podcast: Leadership Communications with Rob Cottingham. It's going to be 30 short episodes with some of my best advice on crafting and delivering great speeches, drawn from 30 years of helping leaders tell their stories from the stage.

You can check it out on my personal website, or subscribe on Apple/iTunes or Spotify. I'd love to hear what you think!

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Social Speech Podcast, Episode 12: Mitchell Beer

Social Speech - Mitchell Beer

Mitchell Beer has been a leader in conference communcations for more than a quarter of a century. His firm, The Conference Publishers, reports and repackages conference content - keeping it useful and relevant long after the closing gavel.

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Social Speech Podcast, Episode 11: Maddie Grant

Social Speech - Maddie Grant

Maddie Grant of DC-based SocialFish has done a lot of thinking about connecting online audiences with speeches, panels and presentations.

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Social Speech Podcast, Episode 10: Holly Ross

Social Speech - Holly Ross

This episode features Holly Ross from NTEN, the Nonprofit Technology Network. She's a great speaker in her own right – and every year, NTEN hosts the Nonprofit Technology Conference. It's a huge gathering (but remarkably relaxed and collegial), and we talk about what it takes to connect that many people online at a conference - and how speakers can make the most of a connected audience.

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Social Speech Podcast, Episode 9: JD Lasica

Social Speech - JD Lasica

When you want solid advice on social media, backed up by years of experience with both non-profits and businesses, you go to JD Lasica.

And so did I, for a half-hour conversation that touched on everything from why letting your audience see your slides in advance may not be a bad idea, to how speaking and community-building go hand-in-hand.

Listen to JD, then explore these links for some terrific resources:

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Social Speech Podcast, Episode 8: Nancy Duarte

Social Speech - Nancy Duarte

It's hard to say just where Nancy Duarte has had the biggest impact: as the architect of Al Gore's presentation on climate change in An Inconvenient Truth... as the author of two profoundly powerful books on crafting and delivering presentations, slide:ology and Resonate... the co-creator of Duarte Design, a firm that has been redefining the art and science of presentations for nearly a quarter-century...

...or as a pioneer in integrating social media and public speaking around the central driving idea of story.

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Social Speech Podcast, Episode 7: Chris Brogan

Social Speech - Chris Brogan

For several years now, Chris Brogan's blog has been a must-read for anyone who wants to use social media productively.

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Social Speech Podcast, Episode 6: Mitch Joel

Social Speech - Mitch Joel

Mitch Joel has a lot to share with the world - including some brilliant insights and expertise on marketing, communications and community - so it's now wonder he's found so many ways to do it. He has a long-standing blog, a podcast that just passed the 300-episode milestone, a book... and a well-deserved reputation as one of the best keynote speakers around.

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Social Speech Podcast, Episode 5: Ian Griffin

Social Speech - Ian Griffin

With this episode, we flip the mic (metaphorically) and talk with someone who's a lot more used to writing speeches than delivering them. That's not to say Ian Griffin isn't at home behind a lectern; he's an accomplished speaker and a skilled communicator.

If you're in the tech industry, you've probably heard his words; Ian has worked in executive communications at Cisco, Hewlett Packard and Sun Microsystems. He's also incredibly generous with his time and expertise, as many Silicon Valley communicators who've attended one of his presentations can tell you.

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Social Speech Podcast, Episode 4: David Eaves

Social Speech - David Eaves

From the moment I thought up the Social Speech Podcast, David Eaves was at the top of my list of people I wanted to talk to. He's a good friend, and a provocative thinker and writer on some of the issues that matter to me most – like the open web and open government.

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Get more out of Evernote with Alexandra Samuel's great new ebook, the first in the Harvard Business Press Work Smarter with Social Media series!

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