How can I keep track of my favorite web sites?

With more and more content available online, everyone needs help staying on top of the flood of information. The two essential tools you must have in your toolbox: an RSS reader, and a social bookmarking tool.

A social bookmarking service (like delicious) replaces your browser's "Favourites" collection with a set of bookmarks that are available on any computer you use, and organized in a way that makes it easier for you to store and retrieve links. Plus you contribute -- and gain access to -- a global community of people who are sharing and building knowledge together.

An RSS reader helps you stay on top of all the great blogs, web sites and resources you discover. Instead of making the daily rounds to blog after blog, you bring their content to you using a news reader or aggregator. It even works with bookmarking: figure out the topics to track on delicious, and let other people do the work of finding web sites you should know about.

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How to add an authenticated RSS feed in Mail for OS X 10.5

Mail, unfortunately, is baffled by feeds that require authentication. (And what's worse, it doesn't tell you that's what's the matter. So what's the solution?

Make your nonprofit more effective with RSS aggregation

Here’s a quick take on three crucial ways that nonprofits can use RSS and aggregation to work more effectively: automatically populate websites with up-to-date content, create a media monitoring site, and choose a team tag.

Reframe it offers collaboration in context

ReframeIt CEO, Bobby Fishin and team have brought the vision of meaningful conversation to life with ReframeIt's very pragmatic approach to in-context annotation.

Social bookmarks 101

Social bookmarking -- storing your bookmarks online, where you can build knowledge in collaboration with others -- is one of the most powerful tools of the social web, and one of the easiest to start using. Find out what social bookmarking can do for your productivity and knowledg management -- and what it can teach you about using the social web.

Solve your business problems - with help from a community

Social networks help you get known for your expertise and judgment, which raises your profile and, potentially, your commercial attractiveness. Just see this example of an expert sharing tips on content tracking with RSS.

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Work Smarter with Evernote

Get more out of Evernote with Alexandra Samuel's great new ebook, the first in the Harvard Business Press Work Smarter with Social Media series!

Available on Amazon, iTunes and HBR.

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