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Social yardsticks: how do you measure social media?NTEN panel explores social media metrics
- 27 April, 2009
I'd been looking forward to catching the session on metrics that Beth Kanter was going to facilitate at NTEN/NTC, and it didn't disappoint.
Participants Danielle Brigida of the National Wildlife Federation, Qui Diaz of Livingston Communications, Sarah Granger from PublicEdge and Wendy Harman of the American Red Cross tackled the tricky question of just how you measure social media (or, more to the point, participation in and impact of social media).
Beth started by quoting David Armano's prescription for using social media metrics: "Listen, learn, adapt." From there, the wide-ranging conversation touched on sentiment analysis, the resources you should put into social media monitoring, tools and how best to apply them, and some practical stories from the field.
I'm working on my routine for tonight's after show, so I won't try to capture it all. Instead, for whatever they're worth, my notes from the panel:

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Rachel Happe says
Rob - I love your notes and appreciate the shout out - I should also thank Beth Kanter who stuns me with how much quality content she collects, develops, and shares.
If you are looking for my metrics collection (and Beth is right - it's just a list not a recommendation - Beth is right, you should firgure out the 2 or 3 metrics that matter to what you are doing), it is at: http://www.thesocialorganization.com/social-media-metrics.html
Sarah Granger says
These are great notes. Thanks!
Technology news - Techvibes Blog says
[...] Rob Cottingham is in San Francisco for the conference and presented Teh Funny last night. Check out his detailed notes from a session on metrics [...]
Danielle Brigida says
Just wanted to thank you for being a great comedian and also for taking the time to share your notes from the session. I love the drawings! Your interpretation is really neat.
ImpactWatch » Blog Archive » Top Social says
[...] Social yardsticks: how do you measure social media? - Social Signal [...]
Chris Dattilo says
Learned tons from your notes. It shows relations, not just words. Love to see more of this. Thanks.
Beth Kanter says
How could I have missed this? Thank you I love it. Is it CC? I'm going to create a little slide show out of this if it is okay?
Rob Cottingham says
It's CC, and it's all yours - I'd be honoured.
Mapping Social Media Strategy to Metrics - Blogging NTC 2009 says
[...] I had the privilege to attend the 2009 NTC Conference session entitled, “Mapping Social Media Strategy to Metrics: Listen, Learn, Adapt.” Beth Kanter was the featured moderator and speaker. Other panelists included Danielle Brigida (National Wildlife Federation), Wendy Harmon (American Red Cross), Qui Diaz (Livingston Communications) and Sarah Granger (Future Campaigns). The session was set up as a moderated discussion - and I mean discussion with Q and A - between Beth, the panelists and the audience about the role of listening, metrics, learning and adapting social media practices for engagement and listening. She started the session by noting that she wanted to “bring the room expertise forward,” and I think that really expresses her style of moderation. The audience was also encouraged to twitter using the hashtag #ntcmap to add to the conversation. For further thoughts from Beth Kanter about the session and to view her slides from the session, visit Beth’s Blog. Additionally, Rob Cottingham created great visual notes from this session here. [...]