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You can make these SXSWi panels happen!

SXSW PanelPicker

It's SXSW PanelPicker season again. There are just hours left to vote for your favourite proposals for next year's South by Southwest Interactive festival in Austin - and Alex has three dandy proposals for your consideration.

We hope you'll consider clicking your support for one, two or (make Alex's day!) all three:

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Measuring the Networked Nonprofit has arrived

Measuring the Networked Nonprofit

A few weeks ago, I let you know that Measuring the Networked Nonprofit was on its way, bringing with it the combined wisdom of Beth Kanter and Katie Paine on how nonprofits can measure their impact in an era of free agents and networked activism.

Out of your league

Out of your league

(man to a friend) Whoa, cowboy - she's completely out of your league. She has a 71 on Klout.

Cold turkey

Cold turkey

(woman to friend walking down the street, seeing everyone with click counts hovering over their heads) Maybe you should lay off the analytics for a while.

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Measure your social media influence with Influ-a-rama-matic Pro 2.0! (beta)

Tangled measuring tape

Are you eager to track your social media influence? Desperate to boil down the complex intricacies of human interaction into a single number? Of course you are!

But you're also probably sick of getting results that suggest you could be doing better if only you had more followers... retweeted more often... wrote more interesting blog posts... or, y'know, really worked at it.

Well, my friend, do I have the social media measurement instrument for you. Carefully calibrated, precision-coded and guaranteed accurate to .025 microScobles, the Influ-a-rama-matic Pro 2.0 is nothing less than the greatest web application in the history of humanity.

Take it for a spin!

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Social yardsticks: how do you measure social media?

NTEN panel explores social media metrics

I'd been looking forward to catching the session on metrics that Beth Kanter was going to facilitate at NTEN/NTC, and it didn't disappoint.

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Work Smarter with Evernote

Get more out of Evernote with Alexandra Samuel's great new ebook, the first in the Harvard Business Press Work Smarter with Social Media series!

Available on Amazon, iTunes and HBR.