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3 great options for Twitter and delicious integration


With the increasing attention I've been giving our Social Signal Twitter account, I've found myself in a bit of dilemma. Tweeting web links is one of the simplest and most effective ways to offer regular, useful info of value to your followers. But the links that would be most useful to SoSi followers are the very links I need to keep track of myself -- for which I rely on delicious.

In principle, there are lots of ways I could integrate the two services. But I have several criteria:

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MacBook with tag cloud


This week's tagging project: a MacBook cover that displays my tag cloud, thanks to the folks at Pimp My Laptop.

Here's how I did it:

  1. I used the tagroll feature to customize the look of my tag cloud and make sure it included all my tags ("size" controls how many tags display; max/min font controls the size of the individual tags).
  2. I hooked my laptop up to a huge external monitor so I could make the tagroll display big enough to create a screen capture that was high enough resolution to print out clearly.
  3. We took screen captures in chunks (Rob figured out the necessary size to display by working backwards from the Pimp My Laptop specs) so that they'd be even higher res.
  4. We stitched it back together in PhotoShop until we had an image of the size specified by Pimp My Laptop.

Ta da! I'm now wearing my tag cloud on my (laptop) sleeve. 

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Tag your way to domination

Social bookmarks 101

I wrote this almost a year ago, as a relative newbie. Now that I’m a little more experienced, I’ve revised it to include some new tips to choosing effective bookmarks.

Step 1: Lie awake at night, wondering whether there isn’t something that can organize your favourite web links that will work better than your browser’s favourites collection.

Step 2: Lie awake at night, wondering whether you should use Furl or Spurl or

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