Channing Rodman, Social Media Strategist

Channing Rodman's picture
channing [at]
Twitter: SocialChan_ge

Channing Rodman is a social media strategist at Social Signal, where she works on every step of the process that starts great conversations online. From the initial planning stages of a project, to engagement planning and project managing new online communities, she’s helped create community online for Social Signal clients like Mountain Equipment Coop and the BC Children’s Hospital Foundation.

She is a specialist in online communications and community building with ten years of non-profit experience in program and funding development. During that time, she’s worked in leadership roles on a range of initiatives: from helping to develop and launch a sexual health education project for youth in Montreal to promoting human rights in Europe. An experienced funding developer, her most recent work was done entirely via online offices she helped to create, giving her a real feel for the realities and possibilities of great online communication.

Channing has a keen interest in how technology can be used to support social justice. She’s just moved to Vancouver after an extended period overseas working in Berlin and Warsaw. There, she wrote about Poland’s third sector for Swedish think-tank Sektor 3 and coordinated side-projects like a social media enhanced ride for AIDS awareness through Berlin, as well as volunteering her social media skills for the Amnesty International Warsaw volunteers. She currently co-authors the blog Social Ch@nge, which looks at how non-profits can work for social change using the Internet.

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