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Social Speech Podcast, Episode 11: Maddie Grant

Social Speech - Maddie Grant

Maddie Grant of DC-based SocialFish has done a lot of thinking about connecting online audiences with speeches, panels and presentations.

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Social Speech Podcast, Episode 10: Holly Ross

Social Speech - Holly Ross

This episode features Holly Ross from NTEN, the Nonprofit Technology Network. She's a great speaker in her own right – and every year, NTEN hosts the Nonprofit Technology Conference. It's a huge gathering (but remarkably relaxed and collegial), and we talk about what it takes to connect that many people online at a conference - and how speakers can make the most of a connected audience.

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Social Speech Podcast, Episode 9: JD Lasica

Social Speech - JD Lasica

When you want solid advice on social media, backed up by years of experience with both non-profits and businesses, you go to JD Lasica.

And so did I, for a half-hour conversation that touched on everything from why letting your audience see your slides in advance may not be a bad idea, to how speaking and community-building go hand-in-hand.

Listen to JD, then explore these links for some terrific resources:

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Social Speech Podcast, Episode 7: Chris Brogan

Social Speech - Chris Brogan

For several years now, Chris Brogan's blog has been a must-read for anyone who wants to use social media productively.

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Social Speech Podcast, Episode 2: with Tod Maffin

Tod Maffin - Social Speech

If you were to assemble a herd of top-notch researchers, and tell them "Find me someone who embodies public speaking, social media and podcasting," chances are fights would break out as several of them vied to be the first to get to Tod Maffin's door.

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Social Speech Podcast, Episode 1: Nancy White

Nancy White - Social Speech

The social web has gone a long way toward changing what it means to be in the audience at a speech – making an audience member less a passive spectator listening to a monologue, and more an active participant in a conversation among peers.

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Two words that can rock your next presentation

Speakers: how to use Twitter to magnify your speech's online impact

Twitter listens to a speech

Not to sound like a telemarketer, but can I have half a minute of your time?

How about if it does wonders to increase your profile?

Here's how I want you to spend those 30 seconds. Open up your presentation file and click on your title slide - the one with your contact info.

Add two words at the bottom - like this:

Twitter: robcottingham

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Teh Twitter backchannel

Rob's Northern Voice keynote

Rob Cottingham is Teh Funny

If you've ever wondered whether social media is funny, check out the reaction to Rob's Teh Funny Northern Voice keynote. The Twitter backchannel is reprinted in text below.

These tweets are in chronological order, so you can follow the thread of the conversation. In related news, we'd love to hear of a Twitter search tool that lets you sort results in chronological order; flipping the order from the reverse chronological results given by Twitter's own search was quite a chore.

Social media speaking and training

Whether you’re looking for a social media speaker for an upcoming conference or seeking guidance for an in-house team, Social Signal has the expertise you need. Our services include:

  • keynote and conference presentations on the social and business implications of social media, and on social media best practices
  • social media training to help your team understand the value, possibilities and risks of online community engagement
  • participation workshops that build community management capacity
  • blogging workshops that cultivate an effective niche, authentic voice and sustainable workflow

Here are some of the places you may have seen Alex and Rob speak:

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Talking about crisis communication at Northern Voice

I'll be speaking about crisis communications and the social web on Saturday at Northern Voice, the kick-ass Vancouver-based blogging conference now in its fourth year:

Imagine a situation where all eyes are on you or your organization, and you need to communicate quickly, clearly and effectively... probably under severe stress, with a lot more noise than signal out there.

It's called crisis communications. And whether it's something as serious and far-reaching as a natural disaster, or as personal as the arrival of a newborn, you'll want to be prepared.

Discover how organizations large and small use social media to keep the lines of communications open when it matters the most. Learn how to use blogs to correct misinformation and get your message out. And find out why you need to build relationships and networks now... before you need to use them.

Moderating the event is the one and only James Sherrett. Come on, come all - I've had a blast speaking at Northern Voice in the past... even when I had to loop in a fellow panelist by holding a cell phone up to the microphone.

We're proud to sponsor NV again this year; the inaugural conference, back in 2005, helped to spur the birth of Social Signal.

If you're interested in Web 2.0, blogging, podcasting, online video, virtual worlds, social networks, photo sharing and the like, you won't want to miss it. And if you're a beginner who wants to get your feet wet, then Friday's Internet boot camp is an absolute must.

See you there! 

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Work Smarter with Evernote

Get more out of Evernote with Alexandra Samuel's great new ebook, the first in the Harvard Business Press Work Smarter with Social Media series!

Available on Amazon, iTunes and HBR.