Social Speech Podcast, Episode 2: with Tod Maffin

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Tod Maffin - Social Speech

If you were to assemble a herd of top-notch researchers, and tell them "Find me someone who embodies public speaking, social media and podcasting," chances are fights would break out as several of them vied to be the first to get to Tod Maffin's door.

One day he'll be speaking to large corporations about digital marketing; the next, to a hometown social media conference about podcasting. His "Taking Crazy Back" keynote takes an unflinching look at his own struggle with depression and addiction as a powerful way of bringing conversations about mental health into the full light of day.

Tod Maffin photo

In this conversation, you'll hear Tod's insights on using social networks to get a sense of a room weeks before he sets foot in it; how meeting planners want more value from an engagement, and how you can offer it; why a projected backchannel is as bad a distraction as a troupe of dancing chimpanzees; and why digital dazzle can't top a good, compelling story.

A few links that came up:


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