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Speaking of dialogue...

Last week I had the pleasure of attending a production of Palestine, Israel & Me: A power play by Headlines Theatre, presented as part of the WUF's Earth festival. And while I don't usually go in for 'participatory theatre' (too often it feels cheap and gimmicky), this was different. Headlines doesn't make you participate, they invite you to participate in creating a compelling and thoughtful real-world dialogue through the art of 'forum theatre'.

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10 ways to keep online dialogue on topic

I’ve spent the past two days at a Ohio State for a conference on Building Democracy Through Online Citizen Deliberation, which has been a terrifically productive gathering. One session consisted of an interesting conversation about how to structure online deliberation in a way that promotes civil dialogue. We agreed that one key challenge was simply keeping online conversation on topic, and got most of the way towards a list of 10 ways to keep online dialogue on topic.

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