Aaron Pettigrew, Web Services Consultant

Aaron Pettigrew's picture
aaron [at] socialsignal.com

Aaron is a principled technology enthusiast with a passion for participatory culture and extensive experience in independent media, community work, and web technology. His recent work for Social Signal includes managing the development of the social networking site ChangeEverything.ca, serving as the site editor for NetSquared.org, a nonprofit technology resource centre, building NPR Worldwide's berlinstories.org, and maintaining the Social Signal web site.

Aaron’s focus is on transforming emerging web technologies into powerful tools for social change. A dedicated artist and community activist, his current projects include the Vancouver Cargo Bike Coop, a nonprofit bicycle lending library; Curve of the Earth, a large, consensus-based filmmaking project; the online stop-motion animation project vitaminbike.org; and a thousand times no, an experimental two-piece rock band.

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