Rob Cottingham's blog

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Better living through clicking

Northern Voice: Alexandra Samuel on coping with social media

Setting aside my bias (like I could actually do that), I think Alex rocked this talk - and the audience did too. Check out the Twitter stream.

Here are my notes on how Alex uses social media to cope (as opposed to coping with the stress of social media!):

Notes from Alexandra Samuel's talk on coping with social media

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What keeps Chris up at night

Northern Voice: Chris Messina on the open web - and what threatens to close it up

Chris Messina, Google's new open web advocate, just wrapped Northern Voice's second keynote with a call for the defence of the open web from the gatekeeper mentality. (Which is why I just hit "publish" on my last blog post - it covers some of the same terrain, and I'd like to contribute to that conversation.)

I'm liking this no-PowerPoint thing a lot. Here are my notes from Chris's speech:

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We, the users (part 1)

With great market share comes great responsibility

Buy an iPhone, iPod Touch or iPad, and you get to choose from thousands and thousands of "apps": software that ranges from full-blown business applications to games to novelty items. But before an app can make it to your iPhone, it has to make it onto the virtual shelves of the App Store... and that means convincing Apple that the app is worthy of inclusion.

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Drawing in situ

Northern Voice: Rachel Smith on graphic recording on the iPad

Graphic recording has long held a certain fascination for me: the idea of capturing the ideas and emotions of a speech, workshop or meeting on paper, as the event progresses. (Nancy White's graphic record of my Northern Voice keynote last year remains one of my happiest public speaking experiences.)

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Trade you a Pikachu for that Hawaiian Bobtail Squid

Northern Voice: David Ng on crowdsourcing a trading-card game to teach biodiversity

David Ng's talk on Phylo - a trading-card game inspired by the study showing kids can identify more Pokémon characters than actual local species - rocked the house, not least because he had us do Chewbacca impersonations.

My notes from David Ng


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A touch of mystery

Bryan Alexander at Northern Voice on mystery, bees and bad PowerPoint

Is there such a thing as too much clarity?

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Blog that tweet!

New Twitter feature lets you embed tweets in your blog posts with original formatting

Updated: Thanks to Mitch Cohen for this comment pointing to a one-click bookmarklet - even easier!

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A little prominence goes a long way

Slideshare features our blogging e-book (and shows one way to motivate participation)

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I just got an email from the fine folks at SlideShare, letting me know they'll be featuring our free e-book on getting value from blogging on the front page of their business and management section for the next day or so.

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Free Social Signal ebook: 10 Ways Your Blog Can Provide Real Value to You, Your Organization and Your Brand

Ebook cover: 10 Ways Your Blog Can Provide Real Value

For anyone who's been told to cut the blog from their communications proposal...

...for anyone who knows their social media activities could pull more of their own weight on the bottom line...

...for anyone who wants to take their blog from the experimental stage to having real-world impact - and real-world value...

...we have something for you.

Today we're launching Social Signal's first ebook, called 10 Ways Your Blog Can Provide Real Value to You, Your Organization and Your Brand.

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We see you when you're sleeping. We know when you're awake.

Little disclosures can add up to big exposures

Surveillance cameras

Social media culture is all about transparency: tell the world about your last meal, your current location, your relationships, your likes and dislikes, your hopes and dreams. (So far, to the best of my knowledge, there's no social network devoted to sharing recent digestive updates. No, I'm not going to go Googling for it.)

But at least you're conscious of what information you're choosing to share and with whom... right?

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Work Smarter with Evernote

Get more out of Evernote with Alexandra Samuel's great new ebook, the first in the Harvard Business Press Work Smarter with Social Media series!

Available on Amazon, iTunes and HBR.

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