I'm on a panel. (No joke.)Rob at the Massive Technology Conference 2008

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I'm hunkering down for a massive April Fools Day.

OK, make that a Massive April Fools Day.

April 1st will bring the Massive Technology Conference to Vancouver: a day where business types and high-tech folks will mingle and swap tips ("Oh... so it has to make money to provide me with an income?" "Now, which end of the mouse plugs into the modem?"). There'll be a trade show, keynote speakers, a swishy reception...

...and yours truly, speaking on a panel about new media and collaboration in business. Facilitated by Monica Hamburg - one of my favourite People I've Met in 2008 - it'll include ace blogger Rebecca Bollwitt (you may know her better as Miss 604), InterCall's Warren Baxley and Linda Bustos from Elastic Path, someone I've been reading for a while and been dying to meet.

Registration's right here - $79 early bird, $149 tardy bird - and gets you the whole conference, plus a discount on the aforementioned swishy reception.

See you there!

(Full disclosure: I was inspired to get off my butt - or, more accurately, onto my butt - by this post of Rebecca's.)



Rebecca says

March 14, 2008 - 11:21pm
Thanks for the link Rob! I look forward to being on the panel with you and the other fine folks.

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