Looking for Oberlin alumni in social media/nonprofit technology

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I've just started a facebook group for Oberlin Alumni in Social Technology" -- either nonprofit technology specifically, or social media more generally. I have this theory that the nptech scene must include a fair number of Obies, and I'd love to connect with them. So I'm starting the hunt, and hoping I might even surface some fellow alums who will be at the upcoming NTEN conference in DC. If you're an Obie and you're reading this, please join the Facebook group or post a comment here.


Mark Graham says

March 27, 2007 - 3:59pm
Hi. I'm not on Facebook (I know) but I'll be at NTEN. I'm going to have a booth at the Science Fair, if you're at that. Look for the American Friends Service Committee, I'm the big redhead with the peace sign campaign.

Barry Madore says

April 2, 2007 - 9:06am
Count me in on both counts-- social-tech Obie alum and NTEN conference attendee. Looking forward to seeing you, Alex, and any other Obies. In the meantime, I'll check out Facebook and get myself connected.

ak says

April 28, 2007 - 11:08am
I just stumbled across this blog entry by accident. Obviously, Alexandra knows how to use the Internet. :-)

I do think there is a ton of opportunity in this space. The world is in the midst of the Information Revolution, it is just as important as the Agricultural and Industrial Revolutions that have happened in the past, and new, better ways to make the world a better place are being developed all of time.

I have been working with these things for about nine years now; I wear a number of hats, including nonprofiteer and technologist. I am an officer of this nonprofit group www.cityscapedetroit.org., and have in particular been utlizing information technology to rebuild Detroit.

My one comment to your post is that I just created an account on facebook and joined that group, but I have been out of college a number of years and facebook is designed primarily to allow for college and high school students to connect, so there are probably better sites to allow Oberlin alumni interested in nonprofits and technology to connect.

ak OC '94

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