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They grow up so fast...

When social creations take flight


Five years ago this summer, in a boardroom at Vancity, William Azaroff was unveiling a new online community to an audience of Vancouver-area bloggers — a community we had worked with Vancity to conceive, build and launch. Also in attendance (maybe explaining his later affection for computers and gadgets): our one-week-old second child.

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Warm hearts vs. cold feet launches "Got socks?" drive

If you've ever accidentally soaked your shoes in a puddle on a freezing day, you'll appreciate how miserable the experience can be... and how desperate you can be to get to your home, school or workplace to change into a spare pair.

When you're living on the streets, though, it's more than just discomfort. Cold, wet feet can quickly become agonizing to walk on - adding a big barrier to finding a job, food or shelter for the night.

And I'm going to let Kate Dugas from take it from here:

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Open SoSi: The Concept Jam part 4

How to create a great report summarizing your workshop's results, with an example from Vancity's Change Everything

We love the Concept Jam workshop for what happens in the room, as people get excited about the possibilities for social media in their organizations and their own work. And we love taking what happens in the room and teasing out the ideas and mashing them up with what we know ourselves until we can deliver a really varied, exciting set of options.

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Spurring participation: Vancity's Viva la resolution! contest now in its 3rd year

Viva la resolution! contest

A little over two years ago, we sat down with Vancity's Kate Dugas and William Azaroff to help them think through a New Year's resolution contest. Little did we know we were helping to forge a dynasty.

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Vancity is on a social media tear!

Vancity launches public wiki on microfinance

Just a quick note about our friends at Vancity: this summer, they launched a new wiki about microfinance. It's a terrific resource on the subject, and if you've been looking for a solid introduction to it - or if you have some expertise to contribute - be sure to drop by.

Share | gets a Webby nomination... and some big-league peers, the online community we conceived and built for Vancity, read full article

Share | is a Webby Official Honoree!

Share | becoming a launch platform for great ideas

Just as you can never really tell if an online community will really take off, you also really don't know what form that success will take.

Share | Setting the stage for participation

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Reflected glory marketing versus the heavy hand of the brand

Over at the Jackson Fish Market blog, Hillel Cooperman makes a strong case that "software is an untapped and exponentially powerful medium in which to convey messages and values for brand advertisers." He points to Burger King's videogaming endeavours, but says his argument extends to the web as well.

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Work Smarter with Evernote

Get more out of Evernote with Alexandra Samuel's great new ebook, the first in the Harvard Business Press Work Smarter with Social Media series!

Available on Amazon, iTunes and HBR.