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Bureaucracies and new media: How the US Air Force deals with blogs


David Eaves is a member of the Social Signal advisory board. Originally posted at

A friend forwarded me this interesting diagram that is allegedly used by the United States Air Force public affairs agency to assess how and if to respond to external blogs and comments that appear upon them.

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Pew: One in 10 online Americans using Twitter or something like it


It's hard to say which is the more interesting finding in the latest Pew report on what Americans are up to online: the fact that one in 10 online Americans say they use Twitter, Yammer or a similar status-update application... or the fact that adoption declines so sharply with age:

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The Obama online campaign, by the numbers

Quantifying the impact of social media on the 2008 election

The Washington Post's Clickocracy series has a piece on the Obama online campaign, and while the exclusive interview and anecdotes are well worth reading, it's the numbers that really tell the story:

The cell-ing of the President

The cell-ing of the President(mother to disappointed daughter) No, kiddo, it's not an iPhone. But there would be plenty of kids - and at least one president-elect - who would be thrilled to get a Blackberry like that.
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We (heart) the U.S.A.

Canadians supporting Americans in Change (through Facebook)

Obama Hope posterThere was much rejoicing and clinking of glasses/bottles last night as the fact (and scope) of Barack Obama's victory became apparent.

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Election night sketchbook

He's the most wired, with-it presidential candidate ever. My friends, join me in congratulating the social media president-elect: Barack Obama. 

And what would history be without a little cartooning in the margins?

Various sketches from the election

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Community organizing 2.0: Republicans missing the boat with the participatory web

When Sarah Palin and Rudy Giuliani mocked Barack Obama's years as a community organizer at the recent Republican convention, they wanted to underline the Senator's supposed limitations as a real-world leader. Instead, they highlighted the Republican Party's own limitations in a world that will be crucial in determining this election's outcome: the Internet.

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