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(a blogger wearing a shirt covered in logos) FTC rules. I have to wear it whenever I'm blogging.

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Presented, and accountable for

Another entry in online community for speakers and audiences: logo

A quick note for speakers, event organizers and - most of all - folks who attend presentations: SpeakerRate, the presentation-reviewing site I mentioned a week or two ago, isn't the only game in town.

The folks at dropped me a line to let me know about their site. Here's how they describe it:

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You've seen the presentation. Now write the review.

SpeakerRate: an online community for reviewing and rating speakers

Presentation rating (sharp)

A few months ago, I left a conference thinking how great it would be if I could have checked up on the speakers beforehand: not just their bios, but their reputations for delivering engaging, useful and, yes, entertaining talks. From that spun out the idea for a site where anyone could rate speakers and their presentations. My back-of-the-napkin diagrams got pretty elaborate... before I filed them away in our now-bulging File Drawer O' Great Ideas.

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