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15 best practices for managing your first (or subsequent) web development project

Back in the day, the only real way to have an online conversation was to build your own blog or online community. These days, many people, companies and organizations have their first taste of online conversation and social media through pre-established social networks like Twitter, Facebook or YouTube.

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Open SoSi: The Concept Jam Part 7

How to create budget estimates for proposals and project management


Today we're releasing the budget estimating template we use to generate cost estimates and project plans for The Concept Jam. We use similar templates for all our budgeting processes, so we expect that the attached template will be relevant to a wide range of budget, estimating and project planning needs. Whether you're a social media agency (like us) or in an entirely different sector and service industry, these files and notes can help you define or refine your estimating and project management system.

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Google Apps + Manymoon = productivity and customer satisfaction

Google profiles Social Signal's project management process

Social Signal regulars will know that we've (and by "we", I especially mean "Alex") put a lot of effort into finding the perfect solution to our project management needs. We've tried web apps like Basecamp and Remember the Milk, desktop apps like Daylite... but nothing has met all of our needs.

Ep. 22 - the gearhead episode

Podcast: Interview with ManyMoon CEO

Regular visitors to SocialSignal.com will know how obsessed Alex is with project and task management. So tonight, on A Very Special Bedtime with Rob and Alex, when we bring an outsider into bed* with us, it's Manymoon CEO Amit Kulkarni - here to talk with us about his collaborative task management web app.

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Rob Purdie on values-based project management

This year's Web of Change conference included a session with Rob Purdie of Import

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Work Smarter with Evernote

Get more out of Evernote with Alexandra Samuel's great new ebook, the first in the Harvard Business Press Work Smarter with Social Media series!

Available on Amazon, iTunes and HBR.