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Social Speech Podcast, Episode 11: Maddie Grant

Social Speech - Maddie Grant

Maddie Grant of DC-based SocialFish has done a lot of thinking about connecting online audiences with speeches, panels and presentations.

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Social Speech Podcast, Episode 10: Holly Ross

Social Speech - Holly Ross

This episode features Holly Ross from NTEN, the Nonprofit Technology Network. She's a great speaker in her own right – and every year, NTEN hosts the Nonprofit Technology Conference. It's a huge gathering (but remarkably relaxed and collegial), and we talk about what it takes to connect that many people online at a conference - and how speakers can make the most of a connected audience.

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Cartoon-blogging at NTC 2012

Session notes from Dr. Changelove at #12NTCIt was another great Nonprofit Technology Conference, my second in San Francisco... and my second cartoon-blogging outing for my friends at NTEN.

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Social Speech Podcast, Episode 3: Maggie Fox

Social Speech - Maggie Fox (v2)

This episode: Social Media Group founder and CEO Maggie Fox

Only a few years ago, business - especially non-tech Fortune 500 business - was pretty skeptical about social media. One of the first people to break through that barrier was Maggie Fox, CEO of Social Media group. And she did it by creating solid strategies rooted in tangible business goals, breaking ground with companies like Ford.

Welcome, NTC 2011 attendees!

NTC 2011 logo

We're delighted to be sending Rob to the 2011 Nonprofit Technology Conference as their official cartoon-blogger!

If you'd like to meet up with Rob at NTC 2011, just tweet him at @robcottingham.

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Help write the agenda for the 2010 Nonprofit Technology Conference

SXSW isn't the only fabulous event whose agenda is partly shaped by audience input. NTEN, the Nonprofit Technology Network, will hold its annual conference next April in Atlanta, Georgia... and they'd like you to help them figure out what sessions to offer.

Head on over here for a list of candidates, and start a-clickin'. And if you'd like to leave comments – suggestions, questions, thinly-veiled requests to be included on the panel – just click on the session title.

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Heading to NTEN and NetSquared

Catch Rob at two of the leading nptech conferences in April and May

Spring's starting to look better and better, with two great events landing on my calendar.

Accidental dossiers: privacy and security in the new web

At last week's 2006 Nonprofit Technology Conference in Seattle, I sat on a terrific panel led by Matt Blair, with Marnie Webb and Marshall Kirkpatrick, on the security implications of the new web. It was one of those amazing sessions where the audience was so engaged from the start that we had no need for the usual opening-presentations-plus-Q&A structure; we got right into a very cool 90-minute conversation.

I don't think anyone was recording the session, but I thought I'd share the notes I'd prepared for my presentation.

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Accidental dossiers

Privacy, security and aggregation in the new web

At last week's 2006 Nonprofit Technology Conference in Seattle, I sat on a terrific panel led by Matt Blair, with Marnie Webb and Marshall Kirkpatrick, on the security implications of the new web. It was one of those amazing sessions where the audience was so engaged from the start that we had no need for the usual opening-presentations-plus-Q&A structure; we got right into a very cool 90-minute conversation.

I don't think anyone was recording the session, but I thought I'd share the notes I'd prepared for my presentation.

Know about a great Web 2.0 app? Speed Geek it at NTen!

If you know about a great new blogging tool, social networking service, online community mashup or any of the other widgets in the emerging Web 2.0 toolbox... something that non-profit organizations ought to know about too... then why not present it at the NTen Web 2.0 Speed Geek Session on March 24 in Seattle?

It's a whirlwind tour of the latest generation of online tools and services offering organizations the chance to expand membership, intensify member relationships, and engage the public in a whole range of on- and offline activities. Up to 230 participants will work their way around the room in smaller groups for a range of high-speed (five-minute) software and tool demos.

You can be the person behind those services, or just an avid user with a compelling story to tell about them. Either way, if you're going to be at NTen, we want to hear from you. The session is limited to the first 12 presenters accepted, so please get in touch today.

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Work Smarter with Evernote

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