
He got off easy

He got off easy

One prisoner to another: My Twitter account auto-DM'd new followers. What are you in for?

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When reciprocity is anti-social

Good news: you don't have to follow people back on Twitter


I've just read another blog post about someone who was accused of arrogance for not following people on Twitter just because they happen to follow him. And it's driving me crazy - crazy enough to have left a comment on his post, and crazy enough to adapt it below.



(one funeral-goer to another, watching a eulogy with a large Twitter stream projected behind the speaker and casket) I'm just saying not every event needs a backchannel.



(person watching another type on a computer) Whoa! That post is going to get you kicked out of social media!

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Law and Order: Social Victims Unit

Some Twitter "crimes" are anything but

Twitter jailbird 2

Twitter's no different than any other hot social-thing-of-the-moment: if you're just getting into it, you'll find lots of people out there with advice on how to use it (including us).

Trolls in training

Trolls in training

(one elementary-school kid to another) What do you say after school we go over to my place and hound celebrities off the Internet?

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An invitation to trouble

Social network invitations: Rules for services and users

I knew it was only so long before I'd succumb to the insidious, criminal forces that lurk everywhere online. Kleptomaniacal hacker, intrusive snoop, indy pornographer....I could take my pick of evils.

And tonight, I chose to become a spammer. Or more precisely, TripIt chose for me.

TripIt is a travel planning site that a number of my friends use to organize their business travel. I logged in tonight because I was planning to include it in a (positive) round-up post and wanted to take some of its features for a spin.

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Bedtime with Rob and Alex ep.3a

Last night's conversation started with a peculiar case of plagiarism: a romance writer's apparent lifting of entire passages from an article about the endangered black-footed ferret, originally penned for a group called Defenders of Wildlife.

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Five ways to shape the soul of the Internet

Does YouTube make people into exhibitionists? Does Facebook stunt teenagers' social skills? Does 43Things help people realize their dreams?

Journalists, academics and web surfers have been arguing over whether the Internet is Ultimate Good or Ultimate Evil long before the social web (a.k.a. "web 2.0") came along. But blogs, social networks and other kinds of online communities have raised the stakes and intensified the debate. Social web sites are more intensively interactive, and more socially connected, so they offer users an experience that is potentially more compelling (or in the view of Internet skeptics, distracting/disengaging) and (in the view of Internet boosters) more elevating, because they realize the Internet's potential for forging and deepening interpersonal and community connectedness.

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