
Out of your league

Out of your league

(man to a friend) Whoa, cowboy - she's completely out of your league. She has a 71 on Klout.

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Klout and HootSuite: when influence becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy

Klout logo

Yesterday, we had some fun looking at Fast Company's Influence Project. (Well, I had some fun. If you did too, well, that must be my influence at work, right?)

Influence is weighing heavily on the social media community's collective mind right now. I've noticed a surge in Twitter and blog chatter around Klout, a tool that aims to measure influence on Twitter.

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Wherein Rob throws his hat into - or out of - the ring

My entry in Fast Company's Influence Project


The social media world has been chewing over Fast Company's Influence Project lately. And the initiative has sustained heavy fire from critics who point out that their method for determining who in the online world has the most influence...

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Measure your social media influence with Influ-a-rama-matic Pro 2.0! (beta)

Tangled measuring tape

Are you eager to track your social media influence? Desperate to boil down the complex intricacies of human interaction into a single number? Of course you are!

But you're also probably sick of getting results that suggest you could be doing better if only you had more followers... retweeted more often... wrote more interesting blog posts... or, y'know, really worked at it.

Well, my friend, do I have the social media measurement instrument for you. Carefully calibrated, precision-coded and guaranteed accurate to .025 microScobles, the Influ-a-rama-matic Pro 2.0 is nothing less than the greatest web application in the history of humanity.

Take it for a spin!

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Get more out of Evernote with Alexandra Samuel's great new ebook, the first in the Harvard Business Press Work Smarter with Social Media series!

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