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A bookmarklet to hide the Drupal 7 administration toolbar

The (barely-tested) bookmarklet: Drag this link to your browser's bookmarks bar: Hide toolbar | Restore toolbar

How has Social Signal contributed to the Drupal community?

Social Signal has been developing online communities on the Drupal platform since 2005. While we are platform-agnostic, and work with many different social media tools and platforms, we have developed particular expertise in working with Drupal. The platform and community have grown enormously in the time we've been working with Drupal, and many companies and organizations approach us specifically for our expertise in creating usable, highly participatory communities on the Drupal platform.

Design and development

We draw on our international network of world-class design and development partners, all of whom specialize in social web projects, to deliver compelling community platforms for thriving conversation.

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"You got Drupal in my Second Life!" "You got Second Life in my Drupal!"

Bridging the virtual world and your information in Drupal

Second Life logo behind crumbling wall

From an illustration ©iStockphoto.com/Simfo

We're pleased to announce a brand new Drupal module...

...but first, the reason we created it:

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Nudging participation along at ChangeEverything.ca

User-based sites like Vancity's ChangeEverything.ca thrive on participation. And there's a lively community creating changes and blogging about them... which is a tribute to the community, to the site's compelling concept and to the work of community animator Kate Dugas.

Now Vancity wants to take participation to the next level.

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Supporting non-profit innovation through NetSquared: a Drupal module for Newscloud

Rob and I are spending the next two days at NetSquared, in the company of 21 outstanding teams working on projects that harness social media tools for social change. We met many of these folks for the first time yesterday, in a pre-conference session that brought the projects together for an afternoon of collaborative idea-sharing and relationship building, and we were incredibly impressed by the commitment and creativity that these folks are bringing to their respective projects.

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Floatleft's new storytelling site

One of our favourite collaborators, Courtney Miller of Floatleft, is the Drupal theming genius behind a cool (and cool-looking) new site that just launched.

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DrupalCamp Toronto: we were there in spirit

We wish we'd been able to make it to DrupalCamp Toronto, but client business kept us planted firmly on this side of the continent.

Still, we were able to attend in spirit: by reading Khalid's (and others') terrific blog coverage of the event, and by oohing and aahing over his photo of the T-shirt. The DrupalCamp logo is brilliant.

(What's that, you say? You see the Social Signal logo on the back of the T-shirt? Why, yes – we are proud sponsors of DrupalCamp Toronto!)

Now, if there are any of those T-shirts left over, I suppose receiving a few of them might take the sting out of having had to miss the camp itself...

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ChangeEverything.ca: Setting the stage for participation

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Work Smarter with Evernote

Get more out of Evernote with Alexandra Samuel's great new ebook, the first in the Harvard Business Press Work Smarter with Social Media series!

Available on Amazon, iTunes and HBR.