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Social Speech Podcast, Episode 6: Mitch Joel

Social Speech - Mitch Joel

Mitch Joel has a lot to share with the world - including some brilliant insights and expertise on marketing, communications and community - so it's now wonder he's found so many ways to do it. He has a long-standing blog, a podcast that just passed the 300-episode milestone, a book... and a well-deserved reputation as one of the best keynote speakers around.

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If your team won't blog, maybe you need a new approach

How to spur reluctant bloggers

Publish and I Don't Think So buttons

"Why won't they blog?"

That's a lament I hear from community managers, social media practitioners and communications directors who are begging, cajoling, coaxing and wheedling coworkers, trying to get them to post something to their organization's or company's blog.

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Where credit's due

Why attribution is important - even (especially) on Tumblr and Posterous

Nobody made this

Not long ago, I saw a reference on Twitter to a clever illustration of either Wolverine or two Batmans looking at each other. I clicked through to a Tumblr page, where someone had reblogged it from someone else on Tumblr, who had reblogged it from someone else, and so on.

Expectations management

Expectations management

(woman explains to her mom why her blog isn't getting a development deal, even though a Twitter feed just became a TV series)

Joint custody

Joint custody

(lawyers for a divorcing couple argue over custody of the joint blog)



(woman showing her blog to a friend) See that little bit of text? Below the banner ad, between the affiliate marketing links and the AdSense skyscraper, right above the sponsored search field and my Amazon associate widget? That's my blog post.

Rocking out

Rocking out

(manager on cell phone while rock musician types on laptop) Tell the opening act to stretch it out. He just got another blog comment he needs to respond to.



(sad couple looking at computer) I guess we've just reached that age when our friends' blogs start to die.

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