
I'm pretty sure there's a "shift" in there

I'm pretty sure there's a "shift" in there

Remind me - what's the keyboard shortcut for creating a vibrant, dynamic online community?

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A little prominence goes a long way

Slideshare features our blogging e-book (and shows one way to motivate participation)

SlideShare logo

I just got an email from the fine folks at SlideShare, letting me know they'll be featuring our free e-book on getting value from blogging on the front page of their business and management section for the next day or so.

Everything in moderation

Everything in moderation

A range of flag-for-moderation icons, e.g. a finger pulling down a zipper, labelled 'Overdisclosure'. Caption: 'Flag-for-moderation icons I might actually use.'

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Crawling from the wreckage

Five social media lessons for avoiding disaster

Please don't demolish my house

I like to think there are lessons to be had from even the oddest event.

Take today's "holy-crap!" story currently making the rounds of the digital watercoolers: that poor guy in Georgia whose house was torn down by mistake. Reports say the demolition crew went to the wrong location, reducing a half-century-old brick house to rubble.

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It takes a village to build a world-changing social media presence

Building your social media team

Your social media team

Social media can help to engage customers, build brand, raise public awareness or support internal collaboration. Precisely because of its breadth of impact, it's not obvious where it fits in an org chart: In marketing or public relations? Communications or customer care? I.T. or H.R.?

Developing an effective social media team requires more than finding the right box on the org chart or figuring out where that community moderator should sit. It's about identifying the goals for your social media program, the competencies needed for successful execution, and the gaps you need to fill.


Our engagement services frequently begin with strategy and concept development work that ensures your site can offer a clear value proposition to visitors and contributors: a combination of tools, content and relationships that will keep them coming back for more.

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Bringing your online community to life

You've spent tens of thousands of dollars creating an online community site. Your organization has a big vision for how this new community can engage your customers, members or the public. Your developers, communications team and fundraisers are all bleary-eyed from the effort and dollars it's taken to get you to launch day. Now what?

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Planting the seeds for a great online community

The web site's done. The launch date is set.

Now - before you open the site's doors to the world - you have the chance to take a few key steps that will play a bigger role in shaping the community you’re creating than any other measure you’re likely to take.

So take a deep breath, and think about the kind of community you’re about to host. Think about the tone you’re trying to foster, the culture you’d like to see take root. Think about what success looks like.

And then take a few critical steps to starting your community off on the right foot:

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When you empower your users, online traffic jams don't stand a chance

Nurture online community success through your community members

My last post talked about how open systems teach us that we can, in fact, self-organize and find solutions, in a world that so often seems to be telling us to be passive and compliant.

In my case, the solution cleared a traffic jam... with more than half the cars already on their merry way by the time the police arrived.

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Work Smarter with Evernote

Get more out of Evernote with Alexandra Samuel's great new ebook, the first in the Harvard Business Press Work Smarter with Social Media series!

Available on Amazon, iTunes and HBR.