Open SoSi

Open SoSi

Social Signal open sources its social media consulting practice

Cloak and daggr

It's Social Signal's fourth anniversary. But rather than breaking open the champagne, we're breaking open the vault that contains everything we've learned over the past four years.

We're taking the intellectual property we've generated and gleaned from Social Signal's four years of consulting, strategy and development and making it available for free online, under a Creative Commons license.

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Open SoSi: The Concept Jam part 2

Agenda and script for the Concept Jam social media strategy workshop


Read part 1, introducing the Concept Jam overview >>

Today, we're releasing two documents that can help you structure a Concept Jam workshop.

The Concept Jam workshop agenda (doc) is the document we share with all the participants in a workshop. We create a custom agenda for each workshop, depending on client, participants and the time available (while we prefer a full day, we've done half-day versions by developing the list of audiences, goals and strengths ahead of time, in consultation with our client). In some instances a client wants to include stakeholders or audience members in the brainstorming portions of the workshop, so we'll invite them to join the workshop at lunchtime, and use the morning to set up the audiences, goals and strengths lists as a strictly internal team conversation.

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Open Sosi: The Concept Jam part 1

How to deliver a social media strategy workshop that builds capacity and finds opportunities


We're launching Open SoSi by sharing the Concept Jam. The Concept Jam is a workshop-based methodology for identifying an organization’s most promising social media opportunities.  It's the part of our work that we love the most, and that we think gives the greatest value to our clients. It's also the one part of our current service line-up that we hope to do even more of in the months and years to come. So we figured we'd put our money where our mouth is by giving that away first.

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Open SoSi

Social Signal open sources its social media consulting practice

Cloak and daggr

It's Social Signal's fourth anniversary. But rather than breaking open the champagne, we're breaking open the vault that contains everything we've learned over the past four years.

We're taking the intellectual property we've generated and gleaned from Social Signal's four years of consulting, strategy and development and making it available for free online, under a Creative Commons license.

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