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Is online activism effective? 5 ways to ask (and answer) the question

Can social media catalyze or support political change? To answer that question, you have to understand who is asking, and what they really want to know.

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"IRL" means online, too

It's time to recognize the reality of our digital lives

There's a habit people have of referring to the offline world as "real"... as in IRL, or "in real life". The implication is that the online world isn't real, and that the portion of our lives spent there somehow doesn't count.

Alex challenged this idea in a blockbuster blog post on Harvard Business Review, 10 Reasons to Stop Apologizing for Your Online Life, where she argued that this artificial division causes real harm - offline and online:

Trolls in training

Trolls in training

(one elementary-school kid to another) What do you say after school we go over to my place and hound celebrities off the Internet?

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NetSquared: Online tools changing offline politics

There's a panel on right now with three fascinating thinkers and doers in online political activism: Joan Blades, Amy Goodman and – facilitating – Micah Sifry. Here are my very rough notes.

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Work Smarter with Evernote

Get more out of Evernote with Alexandra Samuel's great new ebook, the first in the Harvard Business Press Work Smarter with Social Media series!

Available on Amazon, iTunes and HBR.