


(mother to daughter looking skeptically as a book) Honey, please try to look past the the lack of share links, copy-and-paste and social annotations.

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A little book of big ideas

Open Community offers social web approaches for associations (and more!)

My friends Maddie Grant and Lindy Dreyer have just launched Open Community, "a little book of big ideas for associations navigating the social web". (I was fortunate enough to get to do cartoons for the book, which meant I got a sneak peek – and I was impressed with both the scope of their vision and the practical suggestions they have for their readers.)

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From screen to paper

Northern Voice: The Book Broads on turning your blog into a book

New media turning into old? It's not as counterintuitive as you might think, as Angela Crocker, Kim Plumley and Peggy Richardson of The Book Broads explained.

Notes from the Book Broads' talk on turning your blog into a book

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Raising community-minded kids: Not just for people in Morningside Heights?

How can we instill social values in our kids? That's a question Rob and I struggle with constantly. In its least subtle form, the inculcation can begin as early as eighteenth months, as we've learned this election season ("No, sweetie, we don't clap forthat man.") At three or four we can toss in a little more complexity ("We don't say Indian, we say First Nations") though no greater nuance ("That kind of car makes the trees cry.")

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Work Smarter with Evernote

Get more out of Evernote with Alexandra Samuel's great new ebook, the first in the Harvard Business Press Work Smarter with Social Media series!

Available on Amazon, iTunes and HBR.