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  • Ep. 21 - the old-enough-to-drink episode

Ep. 21 - the old-enough-to-drink episode

After more than a month of radio silence - life does love to throw the occasional spitball, no? - the drowsy duo are back. And in this episode, inspired by our hiatus, we ask what it takes to give a social media project some staying power.

The five questions we suggest you ask about your project, if you want it to still be around by the time we do our next episode:

  1. Do you feel really passionately about this project?
  2. Do you have a reserve of content (say, 8 to 12 weeks worth of topics, and 4 weeks of actual produced non-time-sensitive content) to cover dry spells?
  3. Do you have the time and staff you need to pull this off?
  4. What kind of audience do you have? Is the size and quality enough to motivate you and your organization?
  5. Do you have the buy-in within your organization to support this?

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