Can you make me laugh?

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If there is anything more annoying than a Facebook vampire, it's social media sites that offer faux-breezy introductions to their Designated Humor Areas. So let us skip past the painful intro and get right to the good stuff: the Social Signal posts that we hear bring the occasional smile to even the most screen-glazed face. And of course, there's lots more laughter waiting for you on the Noise to Signal cartoon.

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2007 Valentine

We've been involved in memes that went viral, but never one of our very own... until this valentine. And one of the real surprises - other than the thousands of people who came by to look - was the the big traffic driver wasn't belle-of-the-ball, but the less-talked about StumbleUpon.

A final dig at our website thieves

If you laugh when the villain gets his comeuppance at the end of a so-bad-it's-good movie, you will enjoy Rob's dance with the Bookmark Devil. To really appreciate the perverse beauty of this post and its accompanying screenshot, check out the full scraping saga.

How the iPhone can have a big impact on busy lives

The iPhone doesn't just save you time on task management -- it saves time at the gym.

How to hack your tech to-do list

We commit to the latest version of our favourite word processor, or the contact management system our friend recommended, or the totally hot little smart phone, because they promise to make us more effective and more efficient. And along with the time saved, we get a whole new to-do list: Learn the software. Configure the software. Upgrade the software. Debug the software.

Rash of Whiteboard Spam terrorizes Web 2.0 collaboration sites

What happens when good whiteboards go over to the Dark Side.

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