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Noise to Signal: The Twitter funnies

140 characters, unlimited comic possibilities.

What's that... you'll throw in magic beans, too? HELL, yes!

What's that... you'll throw in magic beans, too? HELL, yes!

(man to a shady character) You'll get me 15,000 new followers?! SURE you can have my car, house and office keys! (Caption: And that's why we have Twitter worms)

If kids had APIs, this would be SO much easier

If kids had APIs, this would be SO much easier

(parent, with mobile device, to child who is watching) And that's called a "tweet". Once you learn to do that, Daddy can re-engage with your development.

Not with a bang, but a Twitter

Not with a bang, but a Twitter

(one survivor to another against a backdrop of post-apocalyptic destruction) I don't know how much longer we can withstand this Twitter outage.

Kindly pee into this cup and hand over your login and password

Kindly pee into this cup and hand over your login and password

(boss to employee) Your work here has been flawless. But unless you start following people back on Twitter, your days at this company are numbered.

I'm in ur ballot box, rigging ur results

I'm in ur ballot box, rigging ur results

(Iranian government official) See, Twitter's a problem, but it's manageable. Where we're totally having our our asses handed to us is with the LOLcats.

H1N1? You infected my battleship!

H1N1? You infected my battleship!

(one scientist to another) Technically, it's swine flu. But we're calling it H1N1 because the hashtag's shorter.

No peeing on the floor, and no outranking me on Technorati

No peeing on the floor, and no outranking me on Technorati

(woman to a dog in her lap) Fine, you can have an account. But if you wind up with more followers than I have, I'm deleting your furry ass.

@awsamuel Could you pass the salt?

@awsamuel Could you pass the salt?

Couple on a sofa. One, looking at a computer, says to the other, 'I can't talk right now. I'm catching up on your tweets.'

He probably live-tweeted the conception, too

He probably live-tweeted the conception, too

(man reading mobile phone while a woman gives birth) Check it out, honey! Twitter 'replies' now include 'mentions'!

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