Tune up for the Folk Festival with Social Signal!An iTunes playlist for the Vancouver Folk Festival - see you there!

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Every summer, Social Signal gathers at the Vancouver Folk Music Festival. And this year's lineup looks especially promising... but you don't have to take our word for it.

We've (and by "we've", I mean "Alex has") assembled an iTunes playlist (or "iMix"): 34 songs by the artists who will be on the twilight and evening stages for this year's festival, running July 17-19 at Jericho Beach. From the Weakerthans to the Paperboys to Mavis Staples, you can get a taste of what to expect - or, if you can't make it, a taste of why you should come next year!

If you're coming, be sure to drop by our tarp (look for the Social Signal flag fluttering nearby) when we hold our annual picnic during Saturday night's performances. Say hi, meet the team... and enjoy the music!

iTunes playlist


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