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Social Speech Podcast, Episode 7: Chris Brogan

Social Speech - Chris Brogan

For several years now, Chris Brogan's blog has been a must-read for anyone who wants to use social media productively.

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Social Speech Podcast, Episode 3: Maggie Fox

Social Speech - Maggie Fox (v2)

This episode: Social Media Group founder and CEO Maggie Fox

Only a few years ago, business - especially non-tech Fortune 500 business - was pretty skeptical about social media. One of the first people to break through that barrier was Maggie Fox, CEO of Social Media group. And she did it by creating solid strategies rooted in tangible business goals, breaking ground with companies like Ford.

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The social speech

Using social media to turn your next speech into an ongoing conversation

Social speech banner

For all the effort that goes into a speech - especially a big one - they're over surprisingly quickly. You reach a few dozen, a few hundred or (if you have a huge crowd) a few thousand people for a brief while, and then you walk off the stage, and the audience walks out the door.

For a few minutes, you've made a significant connection with those people. But all the potential relationships and conversations that could arise from that connection walk out the door with them.

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Public speakers, Cliff Atkinson has your back... channel

Book Review: "The Backchannel"

Intro paragraph with hoverpodiumJust as newspapers are scrambling to adjust to a world of blogs and YouTube, speakers are suddenly discovering they're not the only ones in the room who have a microphone. Tools like Twitter and wireless connectivity have broken the monopoly of the speech on, well, speech.



(one funeral-goer to another, watching a eulogy with a large Twitter stream projected behind the speaker and casket) I'm just saying not every event needs a backchannel.

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Work Smarter with Evernote

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