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Why we love ScreenFlow: screen capture for the Mac

ScreenFlow logo

If you spend any time teaching people about online tools, or documenting them, or pitching them, chances are you've thought about screen capture software. And last week, a post on the Web of Change email list asked for recommendations on just that topic.

I weighed in on the side of Telestream's ScreenFlow, and I'm sharing it here in case you're looking for something for your next computer or Internet tutorial:

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A bookmarklet to hide the Drupal 7 administration toolbar

The (barely-tested) bookmarklet: Drag this link to your browser's bookmarks bar: Hide toolbar | Restore toolbar

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Social Speech Podcast, Episode 7: Chris Brogan

Social Speech - Chris Brogan

For several years now, Chris Brogan's blog has been a must-read for anyone who wants to use social media productively.

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Social Speech Podcast, Episode 6: Mitch Joel

Social Speech - Mitch Joel

Mitch Joel has a lot to share with the world - including some brilliant insights and expertise on marketing, communications and community - so it's now wonder he's found so many ways to do it. He has a long-standing blog, a podcast that just passed the 300-episode milestone, a book... and a well-deserved reputation as one of the best keynote speakers around.

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Social Speech Podcast, Episode 5: Ian Griffin

Social Speech - Ian Griffin

With this episode, we flip the mic (metaphorically) and talk with someone who's a lot more used to writing speeches than delivering them. That's not to say Ian Griffin isn't at home behind a lectern; he's an accomplished speaker and a skilled communicator.

If you're in the tech industry, you've probably heard his words; Ian has worked in executive communications at Cisco, Hewlett Packard and Sun Microsystems. He's also incredibly generous with his time and expertise, as many Silicon Valley communicators who've attended one of his presentations can tell you.

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Social Speech Podcast, Episode 4: David Eaves

Social Speech - David Eaves

From the moment I thought up the Social Speech Podcast, David Eaves was at the top of my list of people I wanted to talk to. He's a good friend, and a provocative thinker and writer on some of the issues that matter to me most – like the open web and open government.

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Cartoon-blogging at NTC 2012

Session notes from Dr. Changelove at #12NTCIt was another great Nonprofit Technology Conference, my second in San Francisco... and my second cartoon-blogging outing for my friends at NTEN.

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Social Speech Podcast, Episode 3: Maggie Fox

Social Speech - Maggie Fox (v2)

This episode: Social Media Group founder and CEO Maggie Fox

Only a few years ago, business - especially non-tech Fortune 500 business - was pretty skeptical about social media. One of the first people to break through that barrier was Maggie Fox, CEO of Social Media group. And she did it by creating solid strategies rooted in tangible business goals, breaking ground with companies like Ford.

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Social Speech Podcast, Episode 2: with Tod Maffin

Tod Maffin - Social Speech

If you were to assemble a herd of top-notch researchers, and tell them "Find me someone who embodies public speaking, social media and podcasting," chances are fights would break out as several of them vied to be the first to get to Tod Maffin's door.

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Is your web site a Lisa or a Nelson?

Why you should help users recover gracefully from their mistakes

We all like to talk about how organizations can recover from their own customer service failures: the gadget that won't connect, the handle that snaps off, the delivery that never arrives.

But how about when the customer screws up? How easy do you make it for them to recover lost information, correct a mistake or get out of a dead end?

Put it this way: if the web is like an episode of The Simpsons, is your site more like helpful, compassionate Lisa, or Nelson "Haw, haw" Muntz?

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